Friday, December 11, 2009

~My First Biz triP~

Finally I am back from my first biz trip and feel that Malaysia is so warm, either the weather or my lovely family & frenz here.. And even the radio and my 'husband'. Sad that only few days I am not around, and my husband now is with scar.. Who injured him? When I drive it throughout the way to work for this few days, I feel that the song from radio is so nice and feel like so long time that I didnt listen to those chinese song and do not have the chance to sing a song too.. But actually I only away from my hometown for 10 days.. Is that so long?

This is my first biz trip, first trip to States, first time to take biz class freight, first time to go air port biz lounge, & also first time to take limousine.. Many and many first time, consider a nice trip actually..Many of my first time and my collegues first time too even they are not first trip to U.S..Everything is fresh to me.. The lounge is excellent where the food is delicous there, and the shower room is full of whatever equipment we need for bath and also with dermalogical products.. How lucky I am.. I should appreciate this opportunity..Thank you!!

The trip consider nice as our shopping or leisure time is more than the working hours.. But I still feel the tension when face to face with those experience folks and miss my bed & home so much when I am there.. I enjoy shopping there and spent a lots this time and this is unbelievable to my collegues as this is not my personality from their point of view.. But actually this is the budget I prepared to spent and I really spent all the budget and do not leave any is really a cool shopping palace, every girl will like it I think.. And I am just back and have already get the new shopping list from frenz for next trip...

Actually i continue lament to my collegues or friends about the tough & tension about my current job.. I gain the trip & experience, but i lose my personal time & trip. But after the talked with some collegues, just notice that a lots of ppl are looking for this chances, but they still do not have chance for the States trip. They are eager to go as if go personally, the expenses is high. So am I consider lucky? After talked with them, in fact I feel better and get the motivation to continue strieve towards my challenges task.

Looking foward to the next trip and hope tomorrow I able to see the meteor rain..

Friday, November 20, 2009

7 h@bit for effEctive person

7 h@bit for effEctive person:-

1. Be Proactive - I am free to choose and am responsible for my choices.

2. Begin with the End of Mind - Mention creation precedes physical creation.

3. Do first thing first - Effectiveness requires the integrity to act on your priorities.

4. Think win win - Effective, long-term relationships require mutual respect and mutual benefit.

5. Seek for understand, then to understood - To communicate effectively, we must first understand each other.

6. Synergize - The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

7. Sharp the saw- To maintain and increase effectiveness, we must renew ourselves in body, heart, mind and soul

FeelinG GooD!!

Mood not bad for this week, maybe is due to I have 3 days training and only work for 2 days and today is friday already.. Yeah..

Eventhough everynight after training, I have to continue my work at home with tired brain+heart+body..And have to wake up early for meeting, but weird is I am still feel good. Maybe is next week will have my trip already..

What is my feeling now? I am excited actually, but as well with tension and worry..Dont know what will happen when we at there, whether all will going smoothly or anything will happen? Tonight going to collect my luggage already, yipee..

I will continue have my hectic life from now until next year first half at least. Think of this life so scary..Should be said no life at all, only work, work and work..Unless I throw letter..

Friend date me for trip for next year, unfortunately that period is peak season for me and totally not able to on leave for the day. Thus, I have to drop the trip. It is between gain and lose.. Gain for biz trip, but lose for my personal trip.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

工作 = 钱途??



Schedule 已经定了,所以也更忙了。每天有好多的信件需要去读,去思考,去回复。忙,忙,忙。。现在的心情是复杂的,它混合着开心地,紧张地,压力地,害怕地。那时的情况到底是怎样呢?只有到了那个时候才知道了。现在呢,唯有做好准备功夫,以便那时可以顺利完成该执行的任务。。就因为这个机会,也让我错失与旧未见面的老友聚会,和错失好友的生日聚餐。好可惜啊,这也是所谓的有得必有失。。

Thursday, October 29, 2009


如果安排我去, 就让我有个明确的答案
如果一开始没在名单内, 那我今天不会失落
如果这次没有这次机会, 明年还是有机会的
如果这会照成混乱场面, 那我宁可没了这个机会
如果真的是没了,请快点让我知道; 以让我有自己的打算
如果是用争夺来换取机会, 那我可不稀罕


Friday, October 23, 2009

Why i sick again?

Sick again today, wake up at midnite which feel wind run here and there inside my stomach and early morning wake up vomit+diarrhea again. What happen to my stomach?

What should i do to avoid the virus come to me again? scary virus..Let me missed out the chance to have nice buffet celebration lunch today. Only ate at RM3 for those food. Wasted!!

If continue with this condition, how I go oversea for coming month? Anyhow it is still not confirm yet.. I also do not know whether i should hope for the trip coming or hope that I do not need for the trip.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nothing's gonna change my love for you。。

If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong Our dreams are young And we both knowthey'll take us Where we want to go
Hold me now Touch me now I don't want to live without you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you You ought know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you You ought know by now how much I love you The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you If the road ahead is not so easy,Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view I'll help you see forever too

L@st Dinner。。

I have attended so call department last dinner last week..Can feel the sadness when they have the slideshow. It reflected the time the whole team work together and share the hapiness together for the past 10 years..Even I just joined them not long, but really can feel the depression especially our ex-GM who build up this department..

Anyhow whole group of us really enjoy very much for the event.
We had the rock song, and all people being invited to the dancing pool and we dance together..Those guy acted extremely funny to cheer all of us up.. It is the show time for them and all busy showing their personalize dancing style..

Special and last dinner for all of us..
Special: coz of our special theme where outsider sure feel weird when saw the whole bunch of people wearing such shirt hanging around at the hotel lobby, car park & etc...Last: coz after this week, most of them will have their new journey from here.. Sayonara..


昨夜失眠了,也不知道为了什么。。也许近来有太多的压力,太多东西想了。。以为今早会很没精神, 可是不会的。。直到下午的时候,情绪突然间转到低点。发生什么事了?我也不晓得。。女人的情绪还真难以预料。。一时欢喜,一时忧。。

真的觉得好累, 好想找个人来陪。。相信缘分,可是缘分的定义又是什么呢?每个人都不一样?今天有着从心灵深处所发出的累。真的很糟糕,这么快已经如此的累; 接下来的日子怎么办呢?还能撑到2011年吗?Project 一再的延辗,也就说繁忙的日子会持续。。到2011年。。那时我会还在这吗?如还在这,我会变成什么样子呢?难以预测, 也难以想像。。


Monday, October 5, 2009

The d@y after big d@y celebration

Yesterday I have my birthday celebration with my friends..I enjoy it very much and thanks them for bringing me the hapiness.. Very funny birthday cake candle blowing ceremony..Due to already past due, so my friends help me to blow the candle where at that time wind is strong there and we only lightened up 1 big and 5 small candles..So I am now 15 years old now?

After enjoying the party, today I and my friends all become fisherman and we competive to see whose get the biggest fish from the ocean..OMG..

I am with the extremely tired body+heart at work space due to late sleep and lack of sleep for almost one week as have early meeting almost everyday last week..Thought this week can rest a bit due to didnt see any calender stick at my outlook, unfortunately collegue has fwd the calender to me after notice I didnt have the calender.. haiz..have to continue the life then..

Well, today have one collegue asking me one question about the option..If i am given a chance for the promotion in other team where it will bring me the benefit for my wages..So wat i will choose? I have spent few mins to think of wat i will do for that.. My answer is I will still stay here as now is not the time for me to leave yet..I have mission incomplete and waiting me to get it done, if i leave now, I will feel sorry to him..If i choose to leave, I will join other farer depeartment where the job should different with previous job scope instead of join a group where the job scope is almost same with my previous job role.. But finally will I choose the correct option..Nobody know..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

**M@ke @ wisH**

M@ke a wisH, M@ke a wisH..
To keep this special date in my blog, I have to write something here at this date.. So I m@ke a wish myself here where hope all my wish come true!!cheers!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


090909, on leave at this date due to friend registered ceremony. I have already prepared to attend, unfortunately last minute system down!!

Waked up by midnite and run in and out from wash room couple of times to vomit..follow up by diarrhea and gastric..First time vomit such seriously..what happen? Is that the 'char siu bao' faulth? Initially though is gastric, but after suffering for whole day, i am recovered by the next day..Just still have minor gastric..If this is really gastric, shouldnt be recovered so soon? Anyhow I have to take care myself to avoid eat those not healthy but is my lovely food, like laksa, rojak, tomyam...Pity!!

System down, recently a lots of my collegues face this issue as well .. it is due to too much issue and too busy & tension for everyone of harder and harder and finally all system down..Too tension working life cause me gastric & dizzy always as well..How to release tension?? Collegue who plan to leave, will leave soon..Closer collegue over there getting lesser and lesser..Job getting more and more..And i need to be ready to see if any others collegue will move out soon..Really a de-motivation for my job..What is my plan then?? Since i have opportunity right now, so i will try first before give up and lets set the due date by mid year 2010..

Back to the topic, initially though to have a new post at this date as this is quite a pretty and special date..But no energy at all at this date...thus now is the replacement and conclusion is 090909 really a bad date for me..

Saturday, August 29, 2009

wh@t is F@ilure?

F@ilure is ...

you have not yet successed
you have learned something
you have to try in different way
you have to try harder

Thus, instead of blaming in the dark, light up a candle if you can.


忙碌了整个星期, 终于有了个比较长的假日了,因为星期一是国庆日假期。。终于可以有些时间可以休息休息一下和外出透透气。。在这当儿,我也同时看一看朋友之前所发的电子邮件。。看着看着,就看到了以下不错的文摘。


自私→難免嘛 ~ 不然怎麼叫「最愛」!!!
撒嬌→是想要多一點呵護及在 乎

Saturday, August 22, 2009


类似的场面已经经历了好多次,失败的经验也不出奇了。。可是还是很努力地往好的方面想一想;一而再,再而三的勉励自己, 如果还是不放弃,相信有一天自己一定会成功的!!但是历史依然一再重演,脆弱的心一再的受伤。。再多几次可能就失去感觉了。。







Monday, August 10, 2009

BelieVe you c@n & you c@n Do it!!

NOTHING is easy & NOTHING is imposible;
Think things in POSITIVE way & you will get POSITIVE returns;
YOu always have a CHOICE & pls make the right CHOICE;
whEn you have no CHOICE, pls let the choice become the Right CHOICE;
whEn DECISION have made, pls do noT regret on the DECISION that you have made;
Finally, whEn you BelieVe you can & you sure can Do it ..加油!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009



之前可重来没想过会与偶像有一面之缘,心里想着,这么大红人鲜少会到槟城来走一趟的。可是上个星期在Astro的广告得知他会到槟城来宣传‘家好月圆’。心想这是个难得的机会,可能可以约些好友到现场目睹他本人是不是也这么的好看呢。。后来从朋友口中得知他会到BM food court 来宣传,这让我更有冲动去看一看他。。终于也和几个朋友在附近吃个晚餐,然后在去睹一睹他的风采。。心理还是在怀疑着这个宣传地点,在一个food court宣传难免会有些奇怪嘛。。所以仅带着50%有机会目睹他的风采的心态到那儿去。。




Sunday, July 26, 2009



第一次在ASQ 听到他的声音,就深深的被它给深深吸引了;让我有了观看这场比赛的冲动。。他的声线相当的不错,可是歌艺还有待加以磨练,还有相当大的进步空间。。毕竟他还相当的年轻,还有好多的时间去接受考验和磨练。。年纪轻轻时就发掘了自己的才华和目标,那是非常幸福的事。。成功只是指日可待。。辉仔,加油哦!!





人生短短短几时年,我们真的需要珍惜生命的每分每秒;付出多一点,要求少一点。。想做些什么,就去做吧! 让生命活得更精彩吧!!别再犹豫不决,优柔寡断;也许这么一拖,一切可能都以来不及了。。


Thursday, July 9, 2009

JunCtion of life

Today i have wake up with tired body with bad mood, still not understand why this few days not sleep well & have bad mood..

I am frustrated with the current working environment which the politic is too strong over here and all of the employees under same platform is lose of motivation. How can we continue to stay focus with this environment?? Whose faulth is it? If he really plan to kill all the engineering team & etc, when he plan to announce this news, he should have the details plan on when should them gone.. what for to keep delay or dragging it for so long until whole group lost of their confident to current job and busy to update their resume to get a new job? This even impacted those people who are save in this game.

And the politic is getting stronger in this business unit. I am not an artist or politician and i do not like the hollywood environment. What is right and wrong over here? Are those yellow hair folks worry to lost their job due to the competitive environment and they choose to become artist? Or are they want to snatch back their role to be king of the group again? In this sense, how we could work closer as a team in order to bring benefit or improvement for the company. Really frustuated with the style those ppl replying mail. Round the garden is their strenght and they only know to challenge the decision that we have made, why this and why that?? Why should i answer you so much question if you do not provide me some ideal or information that make sense? Extremely irritated with the way he questioning..If i do everything, then why I need you? Why?

Working in this sunset group for 4 years already and is time to change for a new environment, but due to too comfortable zone for the current job in term of the benefits& flexibility, everytime when i face some work obstacle and decide to find a new job. Eventually i still at the same role same company after 4 years working here. I am still not get a job that i feel is an opportunity to me compare to current job. I believe if luckily i really get a new opportunity, i will not able to have such flexibility that i am enjoying now.

This is not the first time that i walked into the junction, i am blur for my future, my friend told me :'you will face the same issue when you working at other company if you still at the same position or role'. But this is my first job and i have never try for other job outside. So should i try for it? or i should proactively plan on any business rather than wasting time to find a job in same area where i will have the same dilema in future. I am confuse..thinking, thinking and thinking..but the decision still ...

Anyway I have updated my resume today after one year plus that i leave it there..After update, just post it at jobstreet, hopefully can see the new opportunity there..Am i too conservative? I worry that i will have the wrong judgement and regret to change to the new job..

Monday, May 11, 2009

Heal for the past, live for present & dream for future

Today is a replacement holiday and i am so free and doing nothing at home, relaxing, enjoying watching tv programme..Meanwhile, i am surfing net and get to read for an online article which is the motivation article that beneficial to the group of folks who need it, included me.
Heal for the past, live for present & dream for future, such a good quote which i have totally agreed on it.

we shouldnt continue thinking about the past anymore, but should looking forward. History is just for our reference or the step for us for growing. We had hapiness or sadness experience that we face before, but we couldnt change it anymore. Thus, we should gain from the experience and looking for greater life that we can live ever.

Family: I am care about my family member which anyone of them being hurt, i will be hurt too. The most important thing is they can continue stay healthy and avoid for any sicknesses.
Love: My love story is still blank. Fate?
Work: I have a job and the job is one of the job that i dream when i in secondary school. I am quite satisfy on this job i get, i am lucky enough, but somehow my mind full of the word 'escape' from current situation. Tough& Tension. There are still many things in work environment that i still need to learn. Learn for a better communication skill, learn to be more decision maker, learn to be independent enough to solve for all issue that i face & ...
Opportunity is always leave to the person that have preparation. i extremely consent with this quote. But how to get the preparation so that i can grasp the opportunity? or how to ensure i seeing the opportunity that fall into me? it is hard question & now i am still learning on.
Friend: So for this is the area that i am most satisfy with. Friend is important to me that when i need someone accompany or listen to me, they can around for me just because they are my friend, without any others reason.
Personality: Confident, confident, confident, i need to build up my confident level.

Dream:- i have a lots of dreams, but when i can gets all my dream come true?
Family: i wish all my family members living well with healthier life and full of hapiness
Love: i wish to have a knowledgeble, smart & humourous hubby that can take care for me forever.
Work: i wish to gain strong skillset with current job and follow up to have my own bisness in future. Small bisness that i can handle myself with the margin or profit that i can have purchasing power for everythings that i urge to buy.
Friend: i wish that all my friends doing well and can broader my friend linkage.
Personality: i wish to be more knowlegeble and traveling all around the world, Japan, Las Vegas, London &...And also ever stay at 6 star hotel enjoying the life of princess.

Last but not least, wish that all of us in this world can have our dreams come true.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A P@ir but NOT a couple

“我不后悔我曾爱过, 只是天崖从此寂寞…”耳边传来熟悉的音乐…这句歌词也表达了一个女孩想对一个男孩说的话..

有个女孩,她爱着一个男孩, 自从认识了他,她才分得清楚什么是爱, 什么是喜欢.虽然她知道如今男孩已经有了女朋友, 两人很恩爱; 而且男孩也渐渐对自己冷淡了, 半年的时间已逝, 他们在这段时间见面的次数少得可怜; 但她还是忘不了他..每次脑海里总会浮现与他在一起的欢乐时光. 他对她说的话, 把她逗得那开心的模样..第一次约会的地点, 情景都历历在目..与他在一起的时间总觉得很开心, 很幸福, 好甜, 好甜..

可是快乐的时间是那么的短暂..如今她不知道为了他哭了多少次..一次又一次的对自己说这是最后一次为他而哭, 可是总是失败..从前的伤心而哭, 也不曾像现在的哭泣直到眼泪如雨下, 跟本无法控制的地步. 眼泪不停的从眼眶流下….在这些日子里, 她多想认识新的对像而把他给彻彻底底地忘了..可是总没遇上..心里上的伤, 总是无法瀰补..

当她观看连续集”溏心风暴”时, 男女主角总会为对方写日记, 这也让她有股匆动也动起她的双手, 打起键盘用华语把她的心里心言都表达出来..认识她的朋友都晓得她很讨厌以华语字眼打电脑键盘, 因为她的速度实在太慢了.在观看这出电视片时, 她十分的感触.这是因为电视中的其中一个女主角的遭遇就好像自己的遭遇..戏内的每一句对白都好有意识, 很感动..几乎每一集戏剧, 她的眼泪都会不自觉地随着电视情节而流下.. 她变得更爱哭了,小小的事件都会让她的眼泪流下..

依然记得男孩曾经对女孩说, “我觉得对你很内疚,不要再对我这么好了”,女孩为了不让他继续内疚,尝试不对他那么的好,也把内心对他的好感都一一把它隐藏起来..其实虽然女孩那么的爱着他,但自从他有了女友之后, 她也只想成为他永远最要好的朋友, 最好的情人知己..可是心里总是哏哏于怀, 不晓得男孩依稀记得他曾对女孩说过”她会是他永远最要好的朋友”…也许她只是他生命的其中一个客..也许他的回忆里根本不会有她的足迹..也许…太多的夜许..

在一个夜晚, 女孩看见自己与男孩一同到 ‘The EyE of M@laySiA’, 背着幸福摩天轮,多么漂亮的地方..女孩不知何固跌进了男孩的怀抱..一个非常浪漫的场景, 深刻的烙在女孩的脑海里..如果那一幕是真实的那有多好..女孩会发这样的梦是因为她一直认为男孩会带女友到那一游..直到今天, 她好生气自己, 为什么到现在男孩对自己这么差了, 看到了他们的照片, 心里还是那么的伤…直到现在,有一句话,那是男孩从刚开始认识女孩就对她说的话, 但女孩使终不明白的,那就是”We are A p@ir but NOT a couple”.。女孩何时才能明白呢?

也有一句话女孩收藏在心里面好久了, 可是每一次面对他的时候总是开不了口. 那句话是这样写着, “丰, 祝你永远幸福..”



一年以前, 我是从没想过自己有一天我也会成为牙套“妹”。牙套“妹”,是否还适合用于我的身上呢? 毕竟自己也不小了嘛,过了女孩25岁颠峰期,30这恐怖的数字离我有些距离,但却是又那么的近。细细的纹纹开始的在脸上爬行着。。紧张, 害怕, 我想这是每个女孩子在这个年龄开始的烦恼吧。 2009年三月是我决定勇敢的去绑牙的日子, 我可考虑了大半年才做了这个决定。心想豁出去了啦,最多丑个两三年,可是之后我就可以有一世美丽的牙齿。。那一切都是值得的。。三月十四日是我绑牙日记的开始。首先医生要我拔四颗牙。这天我就战战兢兢的到达牙医处等待拔牙,心情是多么的紧张。从初中后,我想也好久不曾拔牙了吧!终于在打麻醉针后,第一颗牙被拔走了,拔牙其间,感觉医生有些失手,牙给跌进口里。他还跟我说道,不要怕,没事没事, 难道我的牙是那么的不舍得我的牙溋?然后医生也忙着帮我缝针,我想是因为伤口太大吧!麻醉针让我变成了猪肠嘴了。。大概2-3小时嘴巴才开始舒缓些。。有些舍不得我的牙呢,毕竟他陪伴我走了好多个年头。 其实拔牙是不痛的,所以几天过后我又到牙医处在次拔牙,这天也问了医生可不把两只牙一次过拔了,医生说当然可以咯。所以今次就把两颗牙给拔了。过程还是顺利的,只是时间可久点,因为拔两颗牙嘛。。回家之后,就发现拔牙的伤口有点血流不止,口中总是有血腥的味道,大概过了不两天的时间才没了那不好舔的味道。少了几颗牙,贪吃的我现在只能轮流用不同边的牙齿咀嚼美味食品。。那种口觉真的大不如前。。美食当前, 但是有种有‘口’无力的感觉。。 由于拔了两只牙和之前有点血流不止的经验,所以这次隔了大约两个星期才向牙医报道拔最后一颗最难拔的一颗牙。心情是很紧张的,因为这颗牙长歪了,有点重叠跟另一颗牙。牙医也跟我说过好几次拔这颗牙是有点难度的。这次打麻醉针是较痛的,医生也拿了个道具帮我的牙钻着钻着,然后尝试把它拔起,不成功,然后再继续钻呀钻呀,整个过程是较旧的,而我也显得非常紧张,害怕。。终于我的牙给拔起了。原来这就是算开刀拔牙了。。心情开始松了下,因为总算全需跋的牙已经离我而去了。大约过了两天,这次拔牙的伤口显得隐隐做痛,终于忍不住了,把医生给我的止痛药给吞了下去。它还是继续隐隐做痛了好几天,我也无可奈何,决定回去找那牙医了。怎知那天就开始不痛了。。也好,省得又去见牙医。。 医生给了我绑牙的日期,是五月十六日,整整两个月的时间从拔第一颗牙算起。。好像有点久呢。。我也在这其间拼命吃了所有好吃和不好吃的事物。。两个字,贪吃嘛。。在这其间,我还需要去补补牙和洗牙,因为医生说我有几颗牙需要补,不然绑牙其间它们可能会蛀坏了。所以就这样补了三颗牙咯。门牙一颗和后牙两颗,后牙两颗可能是清洗不到吧。。补牙的心情也相当的害怕因为朋友们说补牙是满通的,会比拔牙通。 还好我的牙蛀还没那么深,所以通的成度还可接受的。 再一个星期后,我就向牙医报道,这次是洗牙,然后牙医把胶卷放在大牙和大牙之间, 是为了要把牙分开,在绑牙的时候,牙套会较容易套上。洗牙用的时间还真短,是会通点,因为牙医把牙石给毁灭了。。套上rubber后,当天还没什感觉,可是晚上开始就不能吃硬的事物了,因为咬了会痛。。所以尝试用前牙咬嚼,但是嘴巴回很酸。。所以开始吃少了,但是肚子也好像不是很舒服,因为之前每天都吃太多了吧。。现在也怕消化不良,因为事物没办法咀嚼得小片然后在把它吞了。。现在就在等着绑牙的到临,希望一切顺利。。然后就美丽。。 等待, 等待, 在等待。。。 五月十八日, 终于我开始绑牙牙了。。新的开始,见到朋友的时候会不好意识,微笑时会尽量不让他们发现我的绑牙痕迹。所以微笑时嘴巴只能微张,大家都说我戴了牙套不会难看,可是我还是觉得并不好看。。所以现在开始在倒数我何时可以脱牙套的日子。。医生说我需要大约一年九个月因为我的牙蛮不平的。那天绑牙可花了三小时,今天已是第三天午餐和晚餐都吃粥了, 不晓得需要吃到何时。。已经开始厌倦了,怎么办?看到家人或电视节目的食物实在太好吃了。。 七月十日, 还有六天的时间, 我绑牙就满两个月了。时间还过得真快,一边以来希望时间过得快些,这样一来我的牙套才能快点拆除;另一边厢就希望时间停留因为不想年龄继续增长。。已经习惯了戴牙套的日子,只是偶而铁线增长了, 需要到牙医那修剪。。铁线刺着牙肉其实还满痛的,可是为了爱美还可以接受的。。爱美是女人的天性嘛!!当铁线不断的刺痛着我,这也意味着牙齿开始拉平了些。。心情是相当的开心地。每天必做事非毕会照照镜子看一看牙齿移动地进展。。在吃方面呢,绑牙并不减低我的食欲。这样一来以来也意味着我的体重也没相当的改变。。咳,怎么会这样呢?本来还以为可以借此机会来让自己瘦一瘦。。哪知。。一个多月的过去而我也瘦了1kg而已。。可是我会继续加油的。。其实在绑牙后的第三个星期已经什么都可以吃了, 只是需要把事物切成一小片才能在口里咀嚼。。明显的是少吃了我最爱的鸡肉,因为它比较难咬,我也怕因为咀嚼不够而照成消化不良。。现在每天进食最多的是鱼肉了。。大家都说吃鱼多会聪明,希望我很快地也变得较聪明些。。虽然一直以来我也吃了不少鱼肉。。:) 八月十日, 又一个月了!!!日子真的过得太快了。。还来不及眨眼,一个月又过去了,时间真的不够用。这个月上排牙齿明显的平了,可是牙齿拔走的洞口还是有个缝,还没能密合。。下排牙齿呢也明显的有改变了,还真神奇。。因为还不是太了解铁线绑牙的逻辑。。这个月已经开始吃多点鸡肉了,希望那些肉没那么快长在身上。。还是常吃粥因为牙齿还是不方便一直咬嚼食物的。。会酸。。 九月十二日,一个月的时间又过去了,又是时候我在这加点笔记了。。算一算我棒牙已经四个月了,每个月都会有同样感触,就是时间真的过得太快了。。这个月呢,看到下排的牙齿瞒有进展的。。不错不错,每天都会对着镜子照一照牙齿,已经是一个习惯了。左边牙齿还是不太能咬嚼,所以那天告诉了医生,然后他帮我套了个橡胶圈帮助拉扯上下牙齿去一个平衡点。。四个月过去了,而我总共体重减轻是2kg。虽然是慢了点,可是还总算有瘦了点。。希望还能继续减下去。。我要变成美女。。哈哈!! 十月十一日, 再过五天我就绑牙五个月了。。所以呢还有一年四个月我就可以拆牙套了。。盼望着日子的到来。。 十一月十五日, 雨, 近日几乎每天都是下雨天。最近的心情也随着天气的转换,相当的低落。都是因为那对我来说是高难度的工作。还好在星期五开始,性情开朗了好多,我想是因为周末的到来吧。同时拜五没那么多会议,轻松多了!!明天就是我绑牙半年了,真的好快,好快。。这个月也没看到牙齿有多大的进展了。下排牙齿还有一颗是还没装上钻石的,在这样下去,不晓得会不会影响绑牙的时间。体重呢,上上下下的,可是还是维持在那儿,没能在继续下降了。因为本人的胃口还是没变,好得很。。 二月二十日,已经三个月没来这儿留言了。。显然我的日记是多么的忙碌。。这几个月来,牙齿是不断的移动着。可是移来移去还是不能移到满意的顶点。有点担心绑牙的时间会否延迟。下派牙齿的七宗一颗牙到现在还不能装钻石,到底几时才能把它装上呢?盼望在盼望可以早点把它装上..然后早点脱下牙套.. 三月八日,等了十个月,终于下排的牙齿终于可以装上最后一颗钻石了。。开心呢!!可是医生告诉我记得要把牙齿刷得干净一点。。不然可能会伤及牙龈。。所以呢真的要记得把牙齿刷得清清洁洁。。 五月二日,两个月有过了,再过几天绑牙就满一年了。等待等待,等待脱牙套的那一天。。 二零一一年三月二七日, 原来已经这么久没来这留言了。差不多都一年了, 倒数,倒数, 还剩下35天的时间, 我就可把牙套脱了。时间真的过得非常快, 希望到时过程非常顺利刚出身的智慧牙不会对它有什影响。。期盼日子的到来,也期盼你的归来。。
终于我的牙套给拆下了。。开心是开心的, 只是它没比相象中漂亮。也许是我的牙齿不够漂亮吧!医生的技术也不够好,一而再地叫我把牙套给拆了。无论如何绑了总算不后悔,怎样都比之前美吧!!



小时候流行的是写日记,那时的我也赶得上流行的。也曾写些日记,但是总是三分中热度, 写没几天又停了。可是它可真能把我们的生活点滴都给记录下来了,开心的,不开心的,就这样的记录着,陪伴我们潇洒的走过这一生。。