Sunday, July 26, 2009



第一次在ASQ 听到他的声音,就深深的被它给深深吸引了;让我有了观看这场比赛的冲动。。他的声线相当的不错,可是歌艺还有待加以磨练,还有相当大的进步空间。。毕竟他还相当的年轻,还有好多的时间去接受考验和磨练。。年纪轻轻时就发掘了自己的才华和目标,那是非常幸福的事。。成功只是指日可待。。辉仔,加油哦!!





人生短短短几时年,我们真的需要珍惜生命的每分每秒;付出多一点,要求少一点。。想做些什么,就去做吧! 让生命活得更精彩吧!!别再犹豫不决,优柔寡断;也许这么一拖,一切可能都以来不及了。。


Thursday, July 9, 2009

JunCtion of life

Today i have wake up with tired body with bad mood, still not understand why this few days not sleep well & have bad mood..

I am frustrated with the current working environment which the politic is too strong over here and all of the employees under same platform is lose of motivation. How can we continue to stay focus with this environment?? Whose faulth is it? If he really plan to kill all the engineering team & etc, when he plan to announce this news, he should have the details plan on when should them gone.. what for to keep delay or dragging it for so long until whole group lost of their confident to current job and busy to update their resume to get a new job? This even impacted those people who are save in this game.

And the politic is getting stronger in this business unit. I am not an artist or politician and i do not like the hollywood environment. What is right and wrong over here? Are those yellow hair folks worry to lost their job due to the competitive environment and they choose to become artist? Or are they want to snatch back their role to be king of the group again? In this sense, how we could work closer as a team in order to bring benefit or improvement for the company. Really frustuated with the style those ppl replying mail. Round the garden is their strenght and they only know to challenge the decision that we have made, why this and why that?? Why should i answer you so much question if you do not provide me some ideal or information that make sense? Extremely irritated with the way he questioning..If i do everything, then why I need you? Why?

Working in this sunset group for 4 years already and is time to change for a new environment, but due to too comfortable zone for the current job in term of the benefits& flexibility, everytime when i face some work obstacle and decide to find a new job. Eventually i still at the same role same company after 4 years working here. I am still not get a job that i feel is an opportunity to me compare to current job. I believe if luckily i really get a new opportunity, i will not able to have such flexibility that i am enjoying now.

This is not the first time that i walked into the junction, i am blur for my future, my friend told me :'you will face the same issue when you working at other company if you still at the same position or role'. But this is my first job and i have never try for other job outside. So should i try for it? or i should proactively plan on any business rather than wasting time to find a job in same area where i will have the same dilema in future. I am confuse..thinking, thinking and thinking..but the decision still ...

Anyway I have updated my resume today after one year plus that i leave it there..After update, just post it at jobstreet, hopefully can see the new opportunity there..Am i too conservative? I worry that i will have the wrong judgement and regret to change to the new job..