最近工作有点不如意,一而再想这里是不是我的帝国。。之前感觉这里还不错,有一般相当不错的工作伙伴。。不是到处都可获寻的,所以我会舍不得离开。。现在为了工作,每天都脾气爆躁, 有点糟糕。。觉得高层真的有问题呢。。重要的事怎么可以一拖而拖,到现在紧急时刻才乱七八糟。。把我给气死了。。我应该看开点,冷静点吗?还是选择离开呢?我也不晓得。。每天脸黑见人,我不想人家说我态度有问题。。
昨夜我又梦见了你, 以为已把你深深地藏在内心最深处。。你怎么都不乖而跑了出来呢?本来最近心情已经不怎么好了,你把我的心情弄得更糟。。我突然间好想好想听听你的声音。可是我还是害怕,害怕这样一谈,我的心又乱了。。终于忍不住了,八个月后的第一次。。也是我们的第一次。。我的心情还是很低落。知道不能爱你,可是还是好想你。。好旧没流眼泪了,今天眼泪又不听话了。。
Monday, October 22, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
~Kintick Orchard Village vs KL trip~
Kintick Orchard Village such a nice and enjoyable place that I went there by Raya holiday last weekend with my group of friends with rented Nazaria.We enjoy the scenary, environment very much.. I love it.. partly is due to it is not yet a comercialize place where we still can smell the fresh air there..
After Klang branch Bak kut Teh @ Kepong, we depart our journey to to Bentong after fetch our friend in KL. This is the first time i ate Klang Bak Kut Teh even previously study in KL. The dry bak kut teh taste not bad. We use ~1 hour to reach Kintick Village and the apartment that we stayed was stone house. It still looks news as this is quite a new place and they only operate for one year plus. Previously it is an dragon fruit Orchard farm and the owner decide to focus on hotel business more where attract tourist to have a stay here.
Once settle down our thing, we went for jungle tracking. A 20mins tracking, but I am sweating. I like the jungle tracking.. After about 20mins track, we reach the small small waterfall there and took some photo there. As we dint bring any spare clothes, we dint went down for the waterfall. Just walk around there and took some nice shot there.. I tried to took photo above the big stone, so climb up the stone and almost slipped.. Luckily not, but after took photo I jump from the stone and had some injured for leg. Just pain for a while, and after that nothing already. But this getting serious by the night time when we have the karaoke singing session at the lobby there after our steamboat.. I ate 5 bowl for the steamboat where long time dint eat so full already since need to keep fit for friends/relatives wedding dinner started Sept. After the singing session, we back to our room and have the talked and games. Sleep at 2.30am, next day wake up become little panda..
The next day morning, we went to the Orchard farm after our breakfast there. Unfortunately now is not the fruits session, else we could eat mangoesteen, rambutan, durian & etc for free.. The incharge folk told us we should come again by Dec time and we could enjoy the fruits..After that we back to our room to have bath and packed our luggage and prepared to go for next destination. We back to KL and have a rest at my friend house before went to Ikano for shopping. Unfortunately the shop we want to go did not open due to raya holiday. We plan to ate Kajang Satay, Murni... All did not open by Raya time. So have to choose for other food as our dinner.
Finally we went to I City to have the LED light viewing. It is nice, but not as what we expected. It is good chance that can have a look on it once anyhow. We took some photo there and there are lack of restaurent where only have KFC, old town, Kenny rogers ..where Kenny rogers have to wait for 45mins due to their food and out of stock.. and KFC vs old town are fully seated. At the end we decide just have our dinner after I CIty, which is already supper time.. :)
By Aug 21th, we have our last shopping at Sunway Giza mall, i like the shop lots there.. Really different as what we have at Penang. And continue the journey at Paradigm mall as we want to purchase planet pop corn there.. We had our lunch at Zenmai Pasta and the service is bad there, but the food is worth and yummy.. I miss the sashimi and Kimuchi Ramen.. After our lunch we depart back to Penang.. But highway start to Jam before Tapah & we took 6 hours to reach Auto City.. Damn.. Tired..
In a nutshell, it is an memorable and enjoyable trip even is the local trip which i already almost one year do not have travel abroad.. I enjoy packing feel the day before the trip and enjoy the short trip with all my friends.. Yeah!! Refreshing after back from the trip..
After Klang branch Bak kut Teh @ Kepong, we depart our journey to to Bentong after fetch our friend in KL. This is the first time i ate Klang Bak Kut Teh even previously study in KL. The dry bak kut teh taste not bad. We use ~1 hour to reach Kintick Village and the apartment that we stayed was stone house. It still looks news as this is quite a new place and they only operate for one year plus. Previously it is an dragon fruit Orchard farm and the owner decide to focus on hotel business more where attract tourist to have a stay here.
Once settle down our thing, we went for jungle tracking. A 20mins tracking, but I am sweating. I like the jungle tracking.. After about 20mins track, we reach the small small waterfall there and took some photo there. As we dint bring any spare clothes, we dint went down for the waterfall. Just walk around there and took some nice shot there.. I tried to took photo above the big stone, so climb up the stone and almost slipped.. Luckily not, but after took photo I jump from the stone and had some injured for leg. Just pain for a while, and after that nothing already. But this getting serious by the night time when we have the karaoke singing session at the lobby there after our steamboat.. I ate 5 bowl for the steamboat where long time dint eat so full already since need to keep fit for friends/relatives wedding dinner started Sept. After the singing session, we back to our room and have the talked and games. Sleep at 2.30am, next day wake up become little panda..
The next day morning, we went to the Orchard farm after our breakfast there. Unfortunately now is not the fruits session, else we could eat mangoesteen, rambutan, durian & etc for free.. The incharge folk told us we should come again by Dec time and we could enjoy the fruits..After that we back to our room to have bath and packed our luggage and prepared to go for next destination. We back to KL and have a rest at my friend house before went to Ikano for shopping. Unfortunately the shop we want to go did not open due to raya holiday. We plan to ate Kajang Satay, Murni... All did not open by Raya time. So have to choose for other food as our dinner.
Finally we went to I City to have the LED light viewing. It is nice, but not as what we expected. It is good chance that can have a look on it once anyhow. We took some photo there and there are lack of restaurent where only have KFC, old town, Kenny rogers ..where Kenny rogers have to wait for 45mins due to their food and out of stock.. and KFC vs old town are fully seated. At the end we decide just have our dinner after I CIty, which is already supper time.. :)
By Aug 21th, we have our last shopping at Sunway Giza mall, i like the shop lots there.. Really different as what we have at Penang. And continue the journey at Paradigm mall as we want to purchase planet pop corn there.. We had our lunch at Zenmai Pasta and the service is bad there, but the food is worth and yummy.. I miss the sashimi and Kimuchi Ramen.. After our lunch we depart back to Penang.. But highway start to Jam before Tapah & we took 6 hours to reach Auto City.. Damn.. Tired..
In a nutshell, it is an memorable and enjoyable trip even is the local trip which i already almost one year do not have travel abroad.. I enjoy packing feel the day before the trip and enjoy the short trip with all my friends.. Yeah!! Refreshing after back from the trip..
Sunday, August 12, 2012
2012的8月12日, 一个特别的日子,却少了一个特别的你。。去年今天记得我好开心喔,事过一年,人事已非;今年的这一天,我过得不好,好纳闷。又懒得约朋友外游,因为明天又要上班了。追看连续级了整天,还是觉得好纳闷。。怎么今天朋友们都不在线上呢?都跑到哪儿去了?
Monday, August 6, 2012
日子一天一天地过, 眨眼间已经是二零一二的八月份了,好恐怖。想着去年的八月,我渴是很开心的。。
心里有好多好多的话想对你说,但也只能往心里埋。。一封没有地址的信, 递送给一个住在我心上,迟迟还不肯搬出的人儿。。
日子一天一天地过, 眨眼间已经是二零一二的八月份了,好恐怖。想着去年的八月,我渴是很开心的。。
心里有好多好多的话想对你说,但也只能往心里埋。。一封没有地址的信, 递送给一个住在我心上,迟迟还不肯搬出的人儿。。
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
今天不知怎么的。。心情怎么会跌入谷底? 眼泪不听话,一直在眼眶周围打滚,然后就泪如雨下。。而且还下了整天的雨,泪水还比雨水猛呢!回家的途中还不断地飙泪和呐喊,把心中的闷气和压抑着的情感给发泄出来。。怎么搞的!好恐怖!!也好没面子呢!我想,全公司的同事都晓得我有一些事而哭了。。好生气自己为何不能控制自己呢?本小姐从来没那么没用过。。 讨厌!!
近来想太多了,工事上也有烦恼。。左右为难,自寻烦恼。。朋友与老板,小小的公司怎么可以这样呢? 我一直都要求平衡。。我要友情,也要老板情。。觉得夹在他们中间好辛苦,也觉得与他们的感情稍微淡了。我不喜欢这样,我要大家好好的。。我也不喜欢那种被忽略地感觉,真不好受。。想起这,眼泪流了。。另一边厢呢,觉得需要更绝了,这是给自己的解药。。想着好久,想等得到一些答案了才要下手。。谁知,越等越辛苦。。不知所措。。好辛苦,简单的几个步骤,实行起来是多么的困难。。仅记良药苦口。。我的心好伤,好伤。。一旦实行了,我怕我会在失控得嚎啕大哭。。真的需要选好一个好的时间。。然后我还需要一个我要知道的答案吗?
近来想太多了,工事上也有烦恼。。左右为难,自寻烦恼。。朋友与老板,小小的公司怎么可以这样呢? 我一直都要求平衡。。我要友情,也要老板情。。觉得夹在他们中间好辛苦,也觉得与他们的感情稍微淡了。我不喜欢这样,我要大家好好的。。我也不喜欢那种被忽略地感觉,真不好受。。想起这,眼泪流了。。另一边厢呢,觉得需要更绝了,这是给自己的解药。。想着好久,想等得到一些答案了才要下手。。谁知,越等越辛苦。。不知所措。。好辛苦,简单的几个步骤,实行起来是多么的困难。。仅记良药苦口。。我的心好伤,好伤。。一旦实行了,我怕我会在失控得嚎啕大哭。。真的需要选好一个好的时间。。然后我还需要一个我要知道的答案吗?
Friday, March 2, 2012
2012 的第一页,总是在心情复杂地时候会想起我的部落格。。
在这个星期五的夜晚,没与朋友出街旷旷,喝茶去。。就留在家里吃晚饭与休息。。弟弟对我说:‘还真少见姐你星期五晚上在家呢’。。我对他不懈地一笑,说着, 是吗?
太闲呢真的不是一件好事。。又开始胡思乱想了,怎么办呢? 对他还有期望,怎么还是这样。。我要无时无刻地记着他的缺点,这样一来我才能把他在我脑海里去除。我相信缘分,可是我不懂我的缘分会是如何?我做任何事只要努力就会有我要的结果了,在这方面我也应该试着努力去争取吗? 真的不知道。。只知道,如果我往这儿去,我会从遇朋友关系的问题。如果我往那儿去,我好辛苦,我得不到我所要的。。 朋友是左,情人是右。。近期觉得和他们有点进展了,好开心。。真的很希望可以回到从前一样的感情。我好珍惜因为良朋知己不易找。。
在这个星期五的夜晚,没与朋友出街旷旷,喝茶去。。就留在家里吃晚饭与休息。。弟弟对我说:‘还真少见姐你星期五晚上在家呢’。。我对他不懈地一笑,说着, 是吗?
太闲呢真的不是一件好事。。又开始胡思乱想了,怎么办呢? 对他还有期望,怎么还是这样。。我要无时无刻地记着他的缺点,这样一来我才能把他在我脑海里去除。我相信缘分,可是我不懂我的缘分会是如何?我做任何事只要努力就会有我要的结果了,在这方面我也应该试着努力去争取吗? 真的不知道。。只知道,如果我往这儿去,我会从遇朋友关系的问题。如果我往那儿去,我好辛苦,我得不到我所要的。。 朋友是左,情人是右。。近期觉得和他们有点进展了,好开心。。真的很希望可以回到从前一样的感情。我好珍惜因为良朋知己不易找。。
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